Today I wish to share my most sucessful experiment called EG3 but which I had to abruptly end due to its increasingly venomous effect on other galaxies and species.
Here goes...
Once upon a time, in a far far away planet, there lived a species called human. The human, one rare and absolutely funny concoction of emotions and intelligence, the imbalance of which lead to their extinction.
I had planned it since the beginning. In our Earth lab, we planned, monitored and controlled everything.
These humans were induced with chemicals called thinking (thk2), inventing (ivt4), belief (bfe2) and feelings (flg3). Together these chemicals lead to confusion (cfs2) and also produced a new chemical, that was unknown to us and a new discovery. It was ego (eg3). So to test the capacities of eg3, we made them invent, evolve and become powerful than other species around. This made the eg3 chemical in humans grow exponentially. These inventions were meant to ease their lives but which, in reality, complicated it further. We visited them every now and then to make them feel that they have understood their solar system and know of life beyond earth. They started working on inventions that were more powerful than themselves. The eg3 chemical widened the trap that we lay for them. They didn't realize but it gradually destroyed everything they had ever understood.
Eg3 spread like an incurable infection. It made them destroy each other and whatever was around them. In fact eg3 also had the capability of destroying its parent chemicals - thinking, inventing, belief and feelings.
Lot of humans preached to free themselves from eg3 but in turn the preachers became the infected carriers. Humans became blinder, deafer and deprived from feelings. It came to the extent where their inventions started destroying them in masses. There was blood shedding, bombing and more infections everywhere.
It was then that we decided to terminate experiment 'human' and with them the toxic 'eg3'.
Signing off - 22%TEKP$
This can give Steven Spielberg a run for his money ;)
ReplyDeletePhun apart, lot of our problems are simply due to our large ego aka Eg3....