Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Have you met the insensitive, crude, uncivilized and selfish?

Thanking the pantry boy for the coffee, waiting for people to get out of the elevator before you get in, holding the door for someone coming behind you, saying sorry to the person you accidentally step on, offering chair to an elderly person, helping your colleague with something which you are good at without them even asking for it, helping a new employee who apparently seems lost, keeping your mobile on the silent mode while in a meeting or movie…why should any of these things matter?

Tell me why should any of it seriously matter when we are living in a country where we are constantly fighting for resources and carry the same attitude to work every single day. We are in the 'me first' race be it on the roads or waiting in a queue or meeting the deadlines. I will be measured on my KRAs, targets and what my boss and boss’ boss thinks about me and nothing else. As I walk on the road, I am not obliged to help strangers or in my organization I am not bound to assist random colleagues. I get nothing in return and it won’t fetch me any reward either. 

When you see this attitude every single day, you can’t help but wonder what kind of people are we dealing with? And at times when patience runs out, you want to be like them to deal with them. But then, something pulls you back soon enough and you feel a disgust for these people all over again. Insensitive, crude, uncivilized and selfish is what you call them. But then what is it that pulls back?

These are all acts of generosity. Though minuscule  but these are so so important in making the person who you are every single day. These small generosities are making you a very content and fulfilled person. And this is not for anybody else but yourself. So irrespective, please keep your generosity intact. 

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