I know I know absolutely crazy but, whenever flying, I can't help but think. Think of the last thoughts that must have run the minds of those who die in an air crash. In those last minutes, just before the doom. Are they hopeful or sure of their end? Do they pray? Are they numb with fear? Or do they reminisince their entire life? Do they expect a miracle to happen? Do they have regrets or a sense of peace engulfs them? Do they ask 'why me'? Or accept the imminent end as cruel destiny? Do they laugh at the triviality of their aspirations so far or do they close their eyes, empty their minds and give in?
Just sometime back while some of them must be headed for an important meeting and others waiting to say something to a loved one. And some ready for a new something while others going to meet someone important.
But unpredictably and sadly all is left incomplete. An emptiness left behind.