Friday, January 17, 2014

My Confession

I have to confess. Not that it is any surprise but yes I have the deepest, warmest and most sensual relation with someone. It’s been years now and people who are even little more than acquaintances know of my unabashed love. 

I am not sure when or how did the affair start but as far as I remember I’ve always been the helpless lover. Maybe it started on a chilly winter morning when all I was seeking was some snuggling warmth or perhaps on a rainy day I was watching the tender drops trying to heal the heat struck bruised surroundings and there I fell for the intoxicating scent that filled my senses.

So much in love, I have written verses and constantly, in my writings, made references about the mystical effect of this love. 

I just have to close my eyes to feel the smooth texture, the warming effect that seems to melt you into a different world, alluring blend and the tantalizing aroma. Even though I detest PDA, I have no qualms of exhibiting my obsession for this beloved. 

I have even shared my beloved. And whom I shared my beloved with, almost every day, I am confident that they are equally addicted and in love with my beloved.

My beloved and I date often; my favorite place being Costa. Making me lose all hunger, I want to spend as much time savoring each moment as I sip into my age old yet growing love, love for my dearest cup of coffee.   

Thursday, January 2, 2014

The connect

I’ve dreamt of spirits. Evil spirits. Not just once but many a times. And these dreams are so unblurred in my memories. 

As far as I remember it has been over 10 years when I first dreamt of an evil spirit. It took control of me, complete control. What followed in real life was a very difficult time, the brunt of which even my mom had to suffer. After a few years it was the evil spirit again but this time I combatted it. Might sound as if influenced by some Ramsay horror movie but I combatted it with a spiritual connect as I fought it from inside a temple. The evil spirit tried really hard to get at me but I was safely snuggled inside a Ram temple constantly chanting god’s name. I was not scared but confident that I am safe. And finally the spirit gave up. 

Recently the evil spirit tried again. This time it was trying very hard to snatch something from me. And I was chanting ‘wahe guru’. I was chanting so fiercely and loudly that I felt I might have spoken in my sleep too. After some frustrated attempts, the spirit went away. 

I am sure this experience is not unique. Others have experienced it too. 

But I am very grateful for the connect. Call me superstitious but I do believe that I have premonition with dreams of these spirits. But as long as I have the connect, I have the confidence of remaining safe and nothing malevolent touching me or the ones I love. I remain protected.