Friday, December 30, 2011

The year that was (Shilpa, get rid of these clichéd titles)

On this last day of 2011, I reflect back. Not to make any resolutions for 2012, but just to reflect back (I don't believe in resolutions. If you are convinced about something, you do it. You don't need resolutions to do it.)

It was a sad year to begin with. We lost our most precious being. I loved her with all my heart. It was the most painful parting and I still miss her a lot.

As for the holidays, we took a few interesting ones. Mussorie got somewhat adventurous. With Sumit and my 'save the pizza from the rain' adventure. We managed to walk, take a rickshaw ride in the heavy downpour but all to save our precious pizza smelling all the more divine in the slight chill of the hills.

I changed my job too. Just before 2011 slipped away, I did it. Too early to say anything more but am sure it will be a great learning experience. And where there's something mind challenging to learn from a great mentor, there is me.

So here's wishing myself a learning, mind opening and self discovering 2012. I wish I can loose what I want to and also gain what I want to.

And I wish all of you an amazing year in which you can follow your passions. I hope you can achieve your goals or at least can get closer to them. Party crazy today for a saner tomorrow ;-)