Friday, March 30, 2012

The Braggy FB Status: Like it, Comment

I hate to do this but I see these funny things all the time and can't help but share what I feel.

I am not technology bashing here. I really appreciate how Facebook and Twitter have revolutionized the way we communicate. But how some people are (mis)using it, I refuse to second. It indeed is amazing how empowered we are to let our friends and foes know anytime where we are, what we are doing or what we are planning to do, how our mom feels, what the kids ate, what our 2nd cousins did, what are the neighbors up to...I mean it just gives you that bullhorn at the tip of your fingers. Masses, who matter to you, know it all with just your single and gentle click of the 'share' button.

So I see these intelligent, funny, meaningful Facebook status updates all the time which I absolutely love.


But some of these, I can't help but notice, are obviously and slyly wrapped in layers of flamboyance. These clearly are a cheesy and desperate cry for attention. 'Hey people, like and comment where I am, like and comment what I bought, like and comment what I have done'. Because before even breathing in the freshness or the beauty of a new experience or a new place, it has been updated for you. It is so critical to desperately juggle with the smart phone to update this act. It is so urgent to let people know and appreciate instantly.

After posting it and before feeling anything real, the smartphone is still not left alone, the fb page is refreshed to check the growing likes and comments.

So here I am not carving the path to enlightened Facebook status updates or twitters. But sharing an observation that perhaps in being obsessed with sharing with the world immediately, we somehow let moments of a special experience slip callously.

The world will know and be happy (or maybe not if that's your intent). But boisterously flashing and seeking satisfaction in their instant acknowledgment is not worth it, I think.