Sunday, February 20, 2011

Her highness, Princess Shilpa

While reading of the prince Charles and queen Elizabeths, one can little know of what royalty feels like. But what I felt today, made me feel like a queen or rather a princess and to feel royal must be it.

My dad pulled out his wallet for some ten rupee notes. Just before putting it back he opened it again and showed it to Sumit, who seemed amused. What amused him, had to be shown to me too. And I saw, there sat my chubby pre teen photo in my dad's wallet smiling at everybody. Dad then said with so much pride, "this is my lucky photo". I didn't know of this, I didn't even know that dad had my photograph in his wallet. But it certainly made me feel special, very special. With all my faults and drawbacks, I still was lucky for him and found a place in his wallet. In this entire world with so many accomplished and not so accomplished people, I am lucky for dad beating all those numerous people. Amazing, I am so extraordinary for him and there I was feeling so low about being chubby (again) and for what I couldn't achieve. But I am special, very special for him. So with a deep breath...
I, The special,
I, The lucky,
I, The royalty,
I, The self proclaimed princess of my dad's world.