Saturday, April 13, 2013

Time to switch off

It was that time of the week again. The time when you feel the lowest low, overloaded with cluttered thoughts and guilt of having overindulged during the weekend, not to forget the strange load weighing you down. Monday wasn't exactly her day; it was a day all the pressure exploded all at once. The pressure of combating the raging traffic, pressure of sharpening your fangs sharper than the last week to fight meaner manipulations, the harsher sun, the endless meetings where only the screechiest is heard and the perpetual wait for the next weekend.

While crawling through the snarling traffic, she thought of the 9:30 am meeting for which she would definitely be late. And this particular meeting was something which she definitely wasn't looking forward to. There was expected to be, if not more, a lot of mudslinging with no one really ready to take onus. The uninteresting meeting was to be followed with the final reviews of this particular assignment with its deadline approaching soon. The hurried lunch was to be followed with a meeting of a pile on responsibility which was inflicted upon her. It was then compiling the status reports and making the presentation for the next review meeting which was 2 days later. The day was so packed that just the thought of it was making her sick.

To overcome the sickness, she thought of the weekend that just went hoping to feel better. She sadly realized she hadn't joined the yoga classes she was planning to or visit her ailing granny. And she hadn't had the time to clean up the closet.

Why and just why there were only things to be done.

It was an instant decision. She turned back from the next turn, dropped an SMS to her boss and had a satisfied smile. The next was to switch off her official phone. And there she was headed to her favorite cafĂ© from her college days. Even the thought of indulging in her favorite cheese sandwich and fruit punch was so exhilarating. It was time for a day of redemption even if it meant just 8 hours of it. Some time off for her thoughts and nostalgia. And work, well, what great difference could just a day make.      


  1. We miss indulging in these little things among the grand scheme of life(planned to perfection), not knowing that it is these very things which give us peace and satisfaction. We should stop thinking that without us the world's going to stop spinning, the work wouldnt get done etc. Etc....

    1. Totally Abhay. We just need to remind ourselves that way too often.
